Manual of success, happiness and stability
Hello my beautiful and brave mothers, especially my Single Mothers from all over the world. In this book I tell you how I have overcome some very strong personal experiences that I have lived from a very young age.
Since the attempted rape when I was 7 or 8 years old, which cost me a lot to overcome because it stole a large part of my youth. I also tell you how I got out of extreme poverty, how he doesn't allow my father's alcoholism to affect or influence my life so I can achieve my goals.
You will wonder how I kept my dreams and illusions alive in the midst of all that.
What or who was my motivation to never give up.
When and how did I discover that I had come to this world for a very great purpose, because we are all here in this world for an extraordinarily great and unique purpose. Do not think that we are here by chance. No sir, you and I are here for a great purpose. God created you and created me for something very big.
But don't think that I discovered my purpose with a huge sign with big capital letters telling me what it was. Of course not, the way I discovered it was through some events and some of them very hard indeed. And the most important thing in this narration:
I tell you how I managed to achieve HAPPINESS, STABILITY and SUCCESS BEING A SINGLE MOTHER. Well, when you find or achieve HAPPINESS and STABILITY that is true SUCCESS.
My dear and beautiful women, Especially you, my Single Mother, I don't know what stage of your life you are living in, but I know that after you read this book, your life will change positively because:
You will learn to live the process of each difficult situation in your life.
You will learn to laugh when you have to laugh and why not, cry when you have to.
You will understand that nothing is forever, everything is just a process to become a great human being, a great Woman, a great Mother, a great Friend, a great Daughter, a great Single Mother.
So I invite you to discover your purpose, I invite you to achieve your stability, I invite you to be very successful and most importantly I invite you to be immensely HAPPY because happiness is for everyone. Just as the sun rises for everyone, the night comes for everyone, the rain falls for everyone, so does stability, success and happiness.
There are no excuses for not being happy, stable and successful.